Your Guide to the 2020 Elections

Taylor EngleOct 16, 2020

For a year that has brought us nothing but shared challenges and radical changes, it feels fitting that 2020 is wrapping up a national election. In November, Americans 18+ have the opportunity to vote for the changes we want to see in the world!

Here at Eaze, when they go low, we go HIGH by voicing our opinions, staying engaged, and voting. Here are frequently asked questions regarding process in California, to ensure you know exactly what to do when it’s time to fill out that ballot:

Why Vote?

Because every vote matters. No matter how small it may feel in the grand scheme of things, it is important to continuously exercise our right, as Americans, to vote. Your vote may not have a lot of sway on its own, but imagine how much an election could be affected if everyone thought that way. Now, think about how much effect will be had if everyone voices their opinions, beliefs and desires in this 2020 election.

Who Can Vote?

As long as you meet national and state requirements, you can vote in any election. You must have established California residency and registered to vote in the state before or on Election Day, which will take place on November 3, 2020. Additionally, if you are voting via absentee ballot, you must be registered to vote no later than October 19, 2020. For an extensive list of voting requirements throughout the states, click this link.

How Does Voting By Mail Work?

Once you’ve submitted your registration to vote no later than October 19, 2020, you are eligible to vote via absentee ballot. This route will be increasingly popular this year due to COVID-19 restrictions that may still be affecting people’s mobility throughout the state. Registering is the most difficult part – once that’s taken care of, your absentee ballot will be mailed to your given address. Simply fill it out, place it in the provided envelope, and return the ballot by mail, in person, or by drop box. In order to count, your ballot must be sent out and postmarked no later than November 3, 2020 (however, it’s recommended you drop it in as early as possible to avoid any complications). If you are returning it in person, you must have it submitted no later than 8 p.m. on November 3, 2020.

Is Voting In-Person Happening This Year?

Yes. Even with COVID, voting locations are open. The benefit to voting in person is that, even if you have not registered yet upon arrival, you can do so on November 3, 2020 at your voting location. If you’re unsure where your polling place is located, you can check online here by location. The hours you are allowed to vote will vary based on polling place, so make sure to check beforehand so you can carve out the time you need.

Can I Vote Early?

Yes! Early voting will take place between October 5 – November 2, 2020, although exact dates and hours may vary depending on where you live. Early voting details can be found on the Secretary of State’s early voting website.

Can I Work at Polls?

If you are an eligible high school student or older, and either a registered California voter or a legal U.S. resident who would be eligible to vote except for citizenship status, you qualify to work at the polls. As a poll worker, you’ll help set up and close a polling place, help voters understand their rights, and protect the voting equipment and ballots. It’s a great way to contribute to your community, get some experience, and earn some money. If you’re interested in applying, visit the California poll worker application site.

How Can I Encourage My Friends to Vote?

Make sure everyone in your friend group is registered to vote and is aware of the deadlines for registering and filling out your ballots. Whether you want to fill them out together at home or carpool to the polls, it might be helpful to vote in a group to ensure everyone is exercising their right.

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