Everything You Need to Know About Delta-8-THC

Taylor EngleJan 22, 2021

THDR; Too High Didn’t Read: Delta-8 THC is a cannabinoid growing in popularity with milder effects than Delta-9 THC (which is the main cannabinoid that gets you high). It reportedly offers the calming effects of THC without side effects like paranoia and anxiety.

Most cannabis consumers are familiar with the basic elements of the plant that are responsible for most of the benefits and headiness, like CBD, CBN, and of course, THC. But did you know there are variants of THC that produce entirely different effects?

Delta-8 THC, an increasingly popular “minor” cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant, has a much milder effect than Delta-9 THC (a.k.a. the psychotropic cannabinoid we all know and love), but offers a host of other benefits to consumers. It’s known for having calming effects, stimulating appetite, and provide temporary relief for minor aches and pains.

While Delta-9 THC is responsible for the cannabis high and is the variation of THC consumers are most familiar with, a high dosage of Delta-9 THC can come with a number of undesired effects. Delta-8 THC is about half as potent as Delta-9 and therefore is less likely to trigger the aforementioned effects.

Cannabis affects our bodies because of its ability to bind to our brain’s receptors. Delta-9 THC specifically binds to the brain’s CB1 receptor, which is how we experience the intense psychotropic effects. What makes Delta-8 THC different is that it binds to both the CB1 and CB2 receptors, which may be why the cannabinoid seems to have stronger benefits to the body than Delta-9 THC.

Although it will still allow you to feel “high,” it’s a much milder, more controllable sensation, and tends to be associated with less risk of stress when imbibed. Relief from minor aches and pains also seems to be greater than that of Delta-9, but that has yet to be confirmed by an official study.

As Delta-8 THC becomes increasingly discussed within the cannabis community, more and more brands are beginning to incorporate the cannabinoid into their products. WUNDER’s cannabis-infused beverages are infused with Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC, along with CBD to balance out the effects and high. Additionally, the cannabis market is seeing the introduction of Delta-8 THC-infused cartridges, gummies, and tinctures alike.

When it comes to legality, things get a little murky for Delta-8 THC. With the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp became legal on a federal level, deeming products that can be derived from hemp (like CBD or Delta-8 THC) federally legal by proxy. However, much like CBD, some states have overridden this law and declared Delta-8 THC illegal.

Strangely enough, some states that have legalized medical and recreational cannabis have still not legalized Delta-8 THC, like Colorado or Alaska. Conversely, some states that do not have legal cannabis, either medical, recreational, or both, have legalized Delta-8 THC…see what we mean when we say “murky”?

Today, Delta-8 THC is legal for purchase in the following states: Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Further research still needs to be done on this newly-popular cannabinoid, but anecdotal evidence suggests that Delta-8 THC may be groundbreaking for child and elderly medical cannabis patients alike. While these patients may be more susceptible to the “stoniness” that typically comes with consuming cannabis, an isolated version of Delta-8 THC may be an effective way to aid in relief of a number of minor symptoms without the common concerns of Delta-9 THC, without the grogginess or confusion.

The benefits of Delta-8 THC has the potential to be great for recreational and medical consumers alike. Once more research has been done, we’ll likely see a rise in Delta-8 THC popularity that is comparable to CBD and CBN products.

Licenses: 1. WUNDER CDPH-10003710

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