Seniors like 4:20 on Father’s Day. Mother’s Day is more wake-and-bake.

Eaze TeamJun 17, 2019

Did you blaze with pops or grandpa this Father’s Day?

Because it sure looks like they partook!

According to analysis of internal sales data, customers aged 70 and up showed a noticeable spike in cannabis orders across the Eaze platform on Father’s Day, particularly around 3 p.m. – about the time you’d want to be placing your delivery order to make sure it arrives before 4:20.

Those customers also saw an uptick in the purchase of prerolls, which of course make for easy socials, but also last-minute gifts.

[SEE ALSO: Eaze Insights | Cannabis consumers diversified in 2018]

People in their 70s make up a very small part of the Eaze customer base. But in what’s part of a shift toward a diversifying cannabis consumer, Baby Boomers are the fastest-growing segment on Eaze, and are easily the biggest spenders, according to the most recent Eaze Insights report.

Moms & grandmas love cannabis, too!

Our data teams observed a similar spike on Mother’s Day, but at very different times: During that day (May 12), noticeable sales spikes from seniors took place at 10 a.m., and again at 9 p.m.

Of course, ordering times and consuming don’t necessarily correspond. And it’s possible that the early wave had a lot to do with moms (or grandmas) taking advantage of our amazing Mother’s Day deals. But if the first thing you thought was that moms were preparing for a whole day with the entire family … well, you’re thinking like us!

What’s more, drops and topicals – already a more popular category with women, according to Eaze Insights – popped even more over the Mother’s Day weekend among senior customers, in some cases by nearly five percent across the network. That, plus the sales spike around sleepytime, affirms the wellness trend we’ve been noticing among our growing female customer base.

Whatever the reason for these trends, it’s clear that seniors are discovering new ways to enjoy the moment more than ever before.

Eaze Go-to-Market Senior Analyst Robert Holland contributed the statistics for this report.

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