EAZE CONCIERGE | CBD products to ease your dog’s fireworks freakout

Eaze TeamJul 1, 2019

[Editor’s Note: Eaze Concierge is always there to answer questions and make recommendations for our customers navigating the legal cannabis landscape. In this series, the Concierge team brings you the best of the best!]

Not everyone loves fireworks.

You’d be scared, too, if once a year the air were filled with loud explosions that no one explained!

The sounds of fireworks can be distressing to all kinds of dogs, whether the sounds are coming from down the block or miles away. Even at home, a little extra comfort can go a long way toward an incident-free 4th, and CBD can help.

[SEE ALSO: Meet 5 dogs who use CBD for different reasons]

Our experts on the Eaze Concierge team, who constantly monitor customer feedback and know our products inside and out, have a few tips and product recommendations to help your friend cope with dogs’ least favorite holiday.

And if you have any questions, Eaze Concierge is always at the ready!

Eaze Concierge recommends …

Select Pets Unflavored Drops – 30ml 750mg CBD.

Why Select made the cut: Tons of great feedback from customers; one of our best-selling pet products.

Fast-acting: Puts your pup in a calm, relaxed mood in minutes.

Easy to administer: Unflavored for picky pups. Dropper clearly marked for easy dosing; provide orally or add to their favorite meal.

Good for all sizes: Start out with 2-3 mg/10 pounds, and work your way from there.

Hemp Companion capsules from Bluebird.

Why Bluebird made the cut: Great for bigger dogs (50+ pounds) at 15mg per capsule.

Reliable results: Hide the pill easily in a dog treat or food, effects kick in 20-30 minutes later.

Full-spectrum hemp benefits: Made from the entire hemp plant (not just CBD pure distillate) for the added benefits of other cannabinoids and compounds.

Calm and Quiet Large Dog treats from Therabis.

Why Therabis made the cut: Perfect for the largest breeds who tend to be on edge.

Dogs love these: Duh, they’re bacon-flavored! Which means you can administer them on the go, and they kick in at around 30 minutes.

Some rules of thumb for CBD dosing.

Start with the lowest dose, working your way up for desired effects.

CBD is not intoxicating, and is not known to cause adverse reactions, even at extremely high doses – you can always give your dog more if you see the initial dose isn’t providing relief after an hour. Once you find the right dose, take every eight hours or as needed.

And remember, never, ever give pets products that contain THC. It can be extremely unpleasant for them.

Happy Fourth of July weekend, and … Enjoy the Momutt!

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